SMART Access & identity 2024
SMART Security Solutions asked several industry players for their thoughts on what they expect in 2024.
Access & identity expectations for 2024
W hat does 2024 have in store for the access and identity industry? According to the participants in our round table, 2023 was a challenging year for the industry, but a good year as things eventually got back to normal after the pandemic panic. Does that bode well for the year ahead? Will the economy keep crawling along, or can we expect problems, given the political and social challenges here and globally? Are end users ready to adopt the latest technology and extend the value of identity to other areas of the business world, or are we stuck opening doors? SMART Security Solutions asked several industry players for their brief thoughts on what they expect this year. Tarryn Fortune, Inland Business Development Manager, Gallagher Security Over several months, the Gallagher marketing and research teams surveyed end users, channel partners and consultants worldwide to discover what is on the horizon for 2024 and the emerging trends impacting businesses and their security priorities. The security industry has been moving toward a digital change for years, and from what we have learned from our channels across the globe, that change is about to take off. The year 2024 will be a year of escalating transition. Gallagher is focused on the following topics for 2024: • How cybersecurity is affecting budgets and spending going into 2024.
• The key integrations end users are prioritising. • How businesses are dealing with staffing and skills shortages. • Why are end users and channel partners at odds with cloud deployment? • How data reporting is changing how businesses use security systems. There is an increasing recognition by channel partners that transitioning to cloud-based solutions is inevitable, but end users are slower to prioritise their adoption. Those who plan to deploy cloud solutions anticipate incorporating them as part of a hybrid deployment strategy with their organisational systems, with minority planning on an all-cloud environment. With a wealth of data at their fingertips, end users are beginning to see the operational benefits hidden within their security data; however, many cite the complexities and time consumption of data collation as significant barriers to extracting trends and insights. There is a growing need for a ‘single pane of glass’ approach to simplify security data management, and many users are hoping AI tools will help speed up the process and reduce the burden on human resources in the near future. There is a real and growing need in the market for the collation, reporting, and analysis of data to aid in decision-making, identification of trends and anomalies, and predictions of vulnerabilities within organisations.
Tarryn Fortune.
Lumard Groenewald.
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